Great internet stuff: the not-so-weekly digest (#6)

Presenting another installment of a collection of most-highly-recommended articles, websites and ideas that shaped my thinking throughout the past few weeks (recently renamed from “What I’ve been reading lately – the not-so-weekly digest”.) Topics include design, research, business, organizational culture, technology, careers, and culture [change] and society.


The Timelessness of Snakes and Ladders: what the game tells us about culture, ritual, history and religion

At 90, Barbara Beskind Designs Tech at IDEO For Aging Boomers

What My Hearing Aid Taught Me About the Future of Wearables


How do people share, save and revisit content on multiple devices?

Mozilla UX Research MailChimp UX Issue 29: Research and Process

Business Don’t call me a health care consumer

Starbucks wants to talk to you about race. But does it want to talk to you about racism?

WellDeserved: A Satirical Marketplace For Privilege

K-cup Inventor regrets his invention

Your Job is Not to Write Code

Organizational Culture

How I’m treated differently than my male co-founder

Things My Male Tech Colleagues Have Actually Said to Me, Annotated

Apply Empathy Within Your Organization to Create Change

Three tips for surviving corporate life: 1. You are not your job. 2. You are in control. 3. You are here to learn.

The Tyranny of the Forced Smile


Web industry jargon, 2009

A story about a guy who followed his stolen iPhone to China, became a celebrity, and made a friend for life

Lists of the oldest currently registered Internet domain names (.com, .org, .edu, .net, etc.)


Salary Trends for UX Professionals

Culture [Change] & Society 10%? 20%? Apps are changing how we tip

What China Gets Right About Relationships

“Is the social web just a matrix of empty shares, of hollow generosity?” The Unbearable Lightness of Twitter

The Indiana Jones of collapsed cultures: Our western civilization itself is a bubble

Fifty Shades of Late Capitalism

Other Great Stuff One hour of Cisco “Opus No. 1” Hold Music

Current movies and TV shows in VHS form

Jurrassic Park recreated in Lego

Canned Emails – a minimal site with pre-written emails.

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