Top 10 Most Popular Posts on Anthropologizing in 2014

Here’s a re-cap of the top 10 most popular posts on Anthropologizing in 2014. I’m happy to see that half of them are from the Anthropologists in Practice interview series, and that a couple of my personal favorites ended up on the list (#2, #3, #9.) I’m not at all surprised to see #2 here because it’s one of the most practical articles on the site (note: it was recently revised and updated.) I’m also not surprised to see #8. According to my site analytics, it seems to be fairly popular among anthropology students working on related assignments.

1. Anthropologists in Practice: An Interview with Design Anthropologist Armonía Alvarado (April 2014)

2. Some design research job interview questions (July 2013)

3. Fixing Culture: The Case of Olive Garden (September 2014)

4. Anthropologists in Practice: An Interview with Ethnographic Consultant Pedro Oliveira (March 2014)

5. Design research method: The love letter and the breakup letter (January 2014)

6. Anthropologists in Practice: An Interview with Gavin Johnston, Business Anthropologist and Group Planning Director at Bernstein-Rein (January 2014)

7. Anthropologists in Practice: An Interview with Liz Riedman, User Experience Research Assistant at ITHAKA/JSTOR (October 2014)

8. A Brief History of Applied Anthropology (June 2011)

9. Selling value by understanding values: advancing ethnography through client empathy (June 2014)

10. Anthropologists in Practice: An Interview with Bruno Moynié, Ethnographic Filmmaker and Consultant (April 2014)

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